Elevate Your Pitch

When asked, "So what do you do?" do you feel stumped?

Are you a multi-passionate woman, starting your personal brand and having a hard time sharing what you do in a succinct way?

Perhaps you’re on your entrepreneurial journey and you don’t have the guts to share that you’re stepping out and doing your own thing.

If this is you, I see you and I hear you.

When I was first starting to work for myself, I balanced 4 gigs: brand ambassadoring (hi let’s remember how I served ketchup samples at Whole Foods), acting/modeling, graphic design, and photography.

When people asked what I did I fumbled over my answer. I didn’t quite believe what I did myself! It took me years to gain confidence and clarity to share my story with cohesiveness.

On June 17 at 12pm our FREE live workshop will be a safe space where you can:

 🎉 1) learn the formula for a compelling pitch and how to introduce yourself in different settings
🎉 2) get feedback on how to excel at your story
🎉 3) and meet other RAD women launching their personal brands too (I’ve been hired and have hired others from these kind of events!).

Friday, June 17, 2022, 12pm PST

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