Tips To Live By If You Are Multi-Passionate
Any other creatives struggle with being pulled in many directions and balancing being multi-passionate? When I first started my business I was marketing myself as a designer, letterer, greeting card designer, actress, etc. (aye yai yai) so all that to say I identify myself with the incomparable Tergel Purevdorj. After her photo shoot, Tergel sat down with me and talked about her tips to live by if you are a multi-passionate in this video on the ComePlum IGTV channel:
I studied computer science and studio art. I now work as a designer, but also a performer…and I’ve always struggled with coming up with one word to describe who I am.
Am I an artist?
Am I a designer?
Am I a creative?
Am I a nerd?
Am I fashionista?
Am I a photographer?
Am I a writer?
Am I a storyteller? A performer?
Furthermore, when people interact with me they have a label for what they saw in me. If you see me play music, you might say I’m a musician. If you see me making a movie, you might say I’m a filmmaker…
IMO, the best way to reconcile all the different identities associated with me is to be all of them, in turns. Live each one fully in the moment embodying that identity. 100%.
For example, I was at a salsa festival last weekend and I became a salsa dancer. I was trilling, singing in Spanish and really just became that identity. That day, my life goal was to become a professional salsa dancer. So that’s the energy I brought. Even though it was just a one day workshop.
Let’s say you identify as a dancer. In the moments that you are not dancing – are you still a dancer? No. You’re something else. But, if you have attached yourself to the dancer identity, it can prevent you from fully embodying other parts of yourself.
When you leave the dance floor, and head to your next place of passion, enter that new space with zero attachments or declarations of “who you are” or “who you are supposed to be.”
Attachment inherently creates pressure. Pressure to keep dancing, pressure to sacrifice other passions… pressure to abandon other passions… which – TBH, we have to forgive ourselves for being multi-passionate. For a long time, I believed I was supposed to be one thing. However, I’ve gone through all these different roles in my life now, and I love all of them.
Sidenote – If you ARE trying to do a hundred different things, make sure that happened intentionally and you have a plan for how you’re going to manage your time as I have. As someone who is multi-passionate, I’m not interested in closing myself off to one thing.
Most recently, I decided to take on singing and performing as part of my identity. Previously, I was creating art with my hands and now I’m making art with my voice and body. But it’s still expression and heals something inside of me that’s coming out and becoming part of this world.
I don’t usually give the raw images to the clients to edit, but because Tergel is a photographer I allowed it and I loved the funkiness of her edit!
In addition to all this, I still have dreams to be a racecar driver, a horseback rider, a pilot, maybe even an alien and those are still passions that I imagine for myself in the future.
Someday, I’ll abandon all of this and go down that route. Being multi-passionate millennials, I think our generation will have multiple career paths and to have multiple stories throughout life rather than the, “I worked in finance for 50 years.”
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how you blalnace being a multipassionate. I like the one on living each passion fully at the moment for sure. Being present and mindful in whatever we do sparks more joy and brings more energy to anything. As for me, one way I balance being multi-passionate is sectioning certain days of the week to engage in a passion. That way my mind feels centered on a single task, and I prevent multitasking. Once again, this post was insightful. All the best
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how you blalnace being a multi-passionate. I like the one on living each passion fully at the moment for sure. Being present and mindful in whatever we do sparks more joy and brings more energy to anything. As for me, one way I balance being multi-passionate is sectioning certain days of the week to engage in a passion. That way my mind feels centered on a single task, and I prevent multitasking. Once again, this post was insightful. Thanks