Bringing Kavita Home – An Adoption Story
Ben and Shauna felt the call of God to adopt from India. They know of the injustices that happens to orphans there – girls sold as brides, children forced to beg. They were used by God to rescue a little girl from that reality. Her name is Kavita. They started the adoption process in 2012. This past June, I travelled with them to India to document her homecoming.
This was not Shauna’s first time in India. She came to this vibrant country before she was married years ago. That’s where her love for India began. This was the seed that started the journey.
Mr. P, the orphanage director was influential in matching Kavita to her new family. In the years leading up to this long-awaited time to pick up Kavita, we prayed for favor from Mr. P.
Kavita knew her family was coming. A year before, another family that was adopting from the same orphanage delivered a photo book from Ben and Shauna to Kavita. It introduced her to her new parents, her brothers, and what her future home in San Francisco would be like. We learned that she looked at this book and treasured it.
The orphanage was very orderly. As we got to know Kavita’s personality better we discovered she was very organized herself. Everything has a place – from her doll’s hairbrushes to her parents’ laptops in their hotel room. She was sure everything was in their correct home.
Shauna wore this necklace for years, praying for her daughter. It was a breathtaking moment to see Kavita wear her own necklace, bearing her new name. Hope is real.
Kavita’s first few days with her parents looked like this; a father falling in love with his daughter:
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After picking her up from her hometown, we flew to Delhi to finalize paperwork. This is a 9-year old’s airplane delight:
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Because of the time frame of waiting for passport appointments and medical visits, we had a few days to play in Delhi that included Parliament, marketplaces, and using a fork to eat spaghetti for the first time. These were milestone times for Kavita to bond with her parents. And it was at the pool where we heard her laugh the most.
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After a 10 day journey, we journeyed back to San Francisco. Friends and family, an army that had been praying and loving Kavita from afar, eagerly waited for her at the airport to welcome her to a home that she was coming to for the first time.
Ben and Shauna were reunited with their sons Elija, Sam, and Asher. It was their first time meeting their sister.
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It’s now been a few months since Kavita has been been part of her forever family. She is thriving! Her English vocabulary is growing, her silliness too as she has more and more quality sibling time. She is also a rhythmic gal, something I see her express at church during worship through music.
Bringing Kavita home has challenged the faith of Ben and Shauna, but I have seen their trust in God’s all-knowingness gain muscle. Raising Kavita now will only continue to dojust that!
You can see more of the adventures of the Pilgreens as a family of six at and
For me and my camera to be part of this story has taught me much of God’s continual pursuit of us. Watching how Ben and Shauna parent, I was reminded about His love that doesn’t give up, that pushes through obstacles. It is a care that is unearned. It is a love that sees far beyond our present and limited perspective. It yearns to build our character pushing away our comfort. Hope is real. Love is real.
Opportunities like this are a dream. My goal with ComePlum is to continue to tell stories from both at home and afar, stories of milestones, stories of impact.