How To Stay Inspired: 3-Tips On Being Sustainably Creative
Being a creative person has its challenges.
One I struggle with? Staying this way.
I never dreamt of making a living making pretty things.
But by God’s grace, here I am!
But, eeeeeekkkkk, this creative entrepreneurship thing has kicked my butt a bit. Here are some tips & tricks I’ve learned on how to hack a sustainably creative life.
I know it. You were over the moon stoked initially about planning your dream wedding (OMG my sexy dress, the photos of us eloping in Ireland…squeal!!!) but now four months you’re deep into the process of picking out flower arrangements and You’re. Just. Over. It.
Or maybe you’re a lifestyle blogger who, when you’re honest with yourself, you’re done taking a million flatlays. Building your instagram feed was fun…but now you’re out of ideas. You can only do some many boomerangs of you walking down the street.
I get it. I’ve been there.
You know what this is called? BURN OUT.
The solution? As my friend Parks & Rec’s friends Donna and Tom would say: TREAT YO’ SELF.
Some of my fave TREATYOSELF ideas? Chase the sun & warmth (what’s up Santa Cruz!) Go to an improv show. Bike the Golden Gate Bridge. Take a salsa class. Make meringues. Do ya thing. Get out of the rut! And don’t feel guilty about taking a break. This is how you sustain yourself.
I do a personal project every year usually right after wedding season. This year is one of my F A V E S.
You see, I like puns (I literally LOL by myself thinking them up #pathetic). I like food photography. I like writing letters. So I made greeTEAing cards! I collaborated with my friend Jordin Riley and we made really pretty things. Check them out:
Maybe your personal project is something more private. Maybe a painting of a family member? New shelves in your closet? Pick something outside of your regular routine that’ll be a victory for you!
Imma keep it real: life isn’t about you.
You are gifted with your vision & talent & season in life (whether you are a bride-to-be, event designer, writer, designer, singer, maker, photographer dancer, comedian, baker etc.) not only for self-expression but also for the people around you. Make for other’s sake. Art reminds people of truth, art exercises people’s imagination, art makes people feel all the feels. Live with grateful hearts – write some thank you letters!
thank you cards from our #freindsgivingfreindaversary in November
Sparkle and shine my creative friends!