Can you tell us your journey with photography? What keeps you fascinated by photography?
I fell into photography when I was working as a fashion + marketing producer in 2012. I showed up to an event my company was hosting, and asked how I could help, and someone put a camera in my hand and told me to figure it out! I've enjoyed being behind the camera ever since, and promoted myself from having my love of photography as a side-hustle into my MAIN hustle the summer of 2019!

I love getting to celebrate people's relationships, be it with their family, their partner, or themself! In a time where we live in a pandemic of disconnection and dare I say, unhealthy relationships,
I understand the deep importance of celebrating and championing healthy relationships + marriages, and capturing the essence of a couple on their wedding day, a family during the holidays, or solo shots just because!

What do you want the people you photograph to feel during your photoshoot and why?
Chill, relaxed, easy, and fun! I'm all about capturing people in their unique element, so whatever we can do to get you feeling relaxed and like everything's a breeze :). I like to mix traditional with candid, so there's a good variety of options.

What’s a yearbook-style superlative you’d give to your high school self? What’s one for your current self?
Old: Small But Mighty.
New: Scratch the small, she's just mighty ;).

Specializes in lifestyle (families)

Anna Damommio


ComePlum is a photo studio for go-getter women who are impacting the world.
Our team  can't wait to partner with you to create photos that feel like you. 

Can you tell us your journey with photography? What keeps you fascinated by photography?
Photography has been in my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up on a farm; therefore I was exposed to all the seasons, sunrises, sunsets, watched shadows from the trees blow in the wind, and examined various textures. I was given my first camera when I turned 13. A purple Sony coolpix. It wasn’t until high school I realized I could turn my dream into a career. After I graduated high school, I moved to San Francisco in 2015 and enrolled at the Academy of Art University. I learned so much from living in the Bay, meeting new people, and just doing life in a big city impacted my work in so many ways. Crazy how I met Praise at Comeplum and became her first intern! SAY WHAT!? 
I later met my fiancé in the photo department and we both brought our photography together and started our business Luminary Photography. We photograph portraits weddings, families, maternity, and many other things! If I could describe our style in a few words, it would be joyful, bright, warm, and timeless. I graduated from the Academy of Art in 2019 and solely focus on Fine Art projects, marketing, Luminary, and Associate Shooting for Comeplum. I’m constantly fascinated by the people in the city. It’s like a storybook I can’t put down because each character is so unique. They are the ones who continue to inspire me and I want to provide that space for them to capture the chapter they’re currently living. 

What do you want the people you photograph to feel during your photoshoot and why?
I want my clients to feel like they are heard, loved, and can dance like nobody is watching. In other words, I want my clients to feel as comfortable as possible. To feel okay with letting the kids run free or for them to hold the stick in a group photo is completely natural. I feed off that energy and make it my job to capture it. Letting things flow naturally allows the photos to be raw, real, and also a super fun day to remember!

What’s a yearbook-style superlative you’d give to your high school self? What’s one for your current self?
I’m laughing at this question because I was the editor for the yearbook in high-school and had to type out all of the quotes! So mine would be, “most likely to write out all the high school superlatives.” LOL. But if my friends were to write one for me, it’d be “most likely to own Trader Joe’s.”

Specializes in: lifestyle (events, families,  and weddings)

krysta sinclair

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Can you tell us your journey with photography? What keeps you fascinated by photography?
It all started with a disposable camera that my mom bought me when I was 12 years old. It was the last day of school, and I wanted to document the day before we went off to summer break. I’ve been snapping photos ever since.
Currently, I primarily work as portrait/headshot photographer for artists and creatives.
You know the saying ”a picture is worth a thousand words?” I don’t believe that. I prefer to say a “picture is worth a thousand feelings,” because that’s what photography evokes for me. How many times have you looked at a photo and just stared at it? Even if it's just a few seconds, there’s a thousand moments that can happen. You can remember a memory or a loved one, a story can unfold, you can be transported to a different world, or you can share moments of joy, love, and laughter. Our first instinct when looking at a photo is not to explain it, but to remember those moments that make us pause. Those are the moments I try to capture.

What do you want the people you photograph to feel during your photoshoot and why?
I want folks to feel comfortable, confident, connected, and at ease. If there’s one thing that I always strive for in all my shoots - this is the singular thing. If I’m doing portraits with a couple or an artist, the photo is actually not my main priority. I know it’s ironic, because that’s the whole point of a photoshoot. But hear me out! I don’t focus on the photo, because it’s not about the photo, it’s about the person in front of the camera! The photo is just a byproduct of the shoot. I’m going to repeat this, photoshoots are about you.

What’s a yearbook-style superlative you’d give to your high school self? What’s one for your current self?
Hmm...let me think (googles high school superlatives). I'd probably be "Most likely to sing in the shower." Now, it totally would be "Most likely to serenade his dog."

lorenz angelo gonzales

Specializes in: branding and lifestyle (weddings)

You know the saying ”a picture is worth a thousand words?” I don’t believe that. I prefer to say a “picture is worth a thousand feelings,” 

Can you tell us your journey with photography? What keeps you fascinated by photography?
I can remember taking my first photos when I was twelve years old. It was the year my baby sister was born, my parents bought a new Pentax film camera and instantly fell in love with taking photos. My first series was all about my sister, I became an amateur newborn photographer.
I remember taking a lot of photos, just pointing and shooting, most of them were not great but a few decent ones made it to the family album. I’ve come a long way since those years. I learned about camera settings and what makes a great photo. In 2011 I graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in photography and gained over a decade of experience along the way. Being a photographer is a journey, I never stop learning and creating and that’s what’s fascinating about it. Each photo I take is a moment in time that we’ll never get back and I get to document those moments for myself and the people I photograph. 

What do you want the people you photograph to feel during your photoshoot and why?
Photography is all about making a connection and telling the story of the people I photograph. I want them to feel comfortable to be themselves and share their story with me. I want to capture the moments and feelings, and make those memories art.

What’s a yearbook-style superlative you’d give to your high school self? What’s one for your current self?
High school superlative: Most likely to be late for class. 
Current superlative: Most changed. 

Specializes in lifestyle (weddings)

oksana lucaci


events, families & weddings





krysta & anthony

events, families & weddings





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